Friday, September 23, 2011

It's Official!

Do you find it sometimes hard to keep a secret? I know I do at times - especially when it's exciting news.

Somehow, though, I've managed to keep a very exciting secret for sometime now. Want to know what it was?? Yes?  I thought so. Okay, I'll tell you...

Well, let me first start at the beginning, and explain why, in part, I decided to keep quiet for a while.

It all began a few months ago, when much to my surprise I got an email from a fellow madeit seller. In her email she explained that she, Nicole, was in the process of setting up a new designer kids' wear store in Melbourne - except this wasn't going to be just any new kids' wear store. It was going to be a completely new concept in retailing children's products. Dedicated to all things kids (0-16) and maternity, it's aim was to support and nurture 100+ Australian and New Zealand designers. Yes, Australian and New Zealand handmade designers.

With an emphasis on getting designers the recognition and profits they deserve, this certainly was exciting news. But what especially got me, was that of the many hundreds of designers out there, she wanted me to be part of this - ME!

I was trilled, and, of course, quickly followed the links to her website to find out more.

This happened back in June this year - a little over 3 months ago - yet, in many ways it strangely feels much longer than that.

Since then I've joined Nicole on her journey to make this vision a reality. I've read her updates and emails, about her highs and her lows, and although I've yet to meet her face to face, I have to say I've been inspired by her energy, her drive to make this happen.

So why did I keep quiet about this for so long, you wonder?
Well, I guess, in part I have to admit, I wasn't sure if I was really ready for it. So, while I waited to announce it to the world, I got busy. I got ready.

Then came the day. Nicole made the big announcement. After searching for months, she'd found the perfect place in the right location and set the date for opening. Game on. Time to get serious.

That brings me to this week. After a few weeks to really think about the nuts and bolts of her offer, I officially accepted. I was going to be part of her concept, part of Kids Style Hub.

Friday, September 9, 2011

A few of my favourite things...

Do you ever find it difficult to keep track of all the things that inspire you?

I know I do. There's such an abundance of gorgeous images and such talented fellow crafters out there it's really hard sometimes to keep track of it all.

That's why for some time now I've been thinking about what I could do about it. Then it came to me - use my blog as a knid of online scrapbook of all the things I love. Simple.

So now I can keep an easy-to-access record of all the things that inspire me, ready for times when I need a little something to reinvigorate me. But best of all - I can share them with others and, perhaps, inspire them too!

Here's my first batch. As spring has finally arrived (yay!) - and I SO adore spring - it's only appropriate that my first collection be 'spring inspired', with a little vintage flare, of course!

Enjoy! xx

'When Spring Comes' Fine Art Print by Lauri

Blossoms by lesprit des rêves

Earrings by FallenAngelDesigns

Retro Kitty Bolero by Oopsidaisi

Woodland hydrangea crown by Gardens of Whimsy

Cherry Blossoms by Airy Mist